Bristol Re-distro have been supporting the BS5 Solidarity Fund by allowing us to use their bank account to collect donations and make payments from. The fund is part of the BS5 Mutual Aid group that was set up at the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic.
The fund helps cover the costs of practical support to individuals affected by coronavirus, such as providing food, accommodation and medication and also supporting groups aiming to build more resilient communities in the face of an uncertain future. Small grants of £50 for individuals or £250 groups are available with a simple application process.
Here are some examples of grants given out so far:
- £50 to a single parent with a health condition who lost their income due to Covid19. Grant was to pay for play therapy for a child with additional needs
- £19.99 for an electric desk top fan for someone with a low immune system and compromised temperature control due to cancer treatment and a lung condition
- £50 towards rent arrears and moving costs for single mum and daughter. They had unexpected costs and her new job doesn’t start for 2 weeks
- £80 to a survivor of domestic abuse who had to relocate due to being in an unsafe situation. Grant was to help cover basic costs while she waited for benefits to come through
- £50 to cover food and bare essentials whilst waiting for Universal Credit to come through for someone whose income was affected by Covid19
- £40 to cover hostel accommodation for a homeless person to see her over before moving into a permanent place
- £50 towards adoption fee of a rabbit, to replace a child’s rabbit who was killed by a fox. This was to ensure the remaining rabbit has a companion and to ease family tensions during a difficult time